Friday, 4 March 2011

Core Strengthening Q & A

- by Vanessa Milot, Physiotherapist, Sun City Physiotherapy

Have you ever been told to strengthen your core, but feel unclear about what that means? You are not alone! While the benefits of core stability have become a common topic, the “how” and “why” of core strengthening seem to be less well known. Here are answers to a few frequently asked questions about core exercise.


My lower back was injured in a car accident 2 years ago. Since then, my back has never been the same. I have heard that core strengthening can help in reducing back pain. Is this true?


Yes, this is true. Your body has a group of small muscles which, when working together, provide stability to your spine. This essential muscle group is commonly referred to as the “inner core” or “inner unit”. It is comprised of 4 deep muscles: multifidus at the back of the unit, transversus abdominus (TA) at the front, pelvic floor muscles at the bottom, and the diaphragm at the top. Together, these muscles allow the rest of the body to perform challenging tasks, all the while keeping the trunk stable.


I am about to start training for a new sport this summer. Can core strengthening help me to prevent an injury?


Most definitely! Core strengthening is a great way to get your body conditioned for a new sport. Many of my patients have come to the clinic with injuries to their back, hips or knees; where quite often, the common cause is core instability. In trying a different sport, they placed new physical demands on their bodies and their core was not up for the challenge. As a result, other body parts were recruited to help provide stability with the outcome being an overuse injury. Such pain could have been easily avoided by first preparing the inner core for the new task.


How do I find my inner core muscles?


Start by lying on your back with bent knees and feet flat on the floor. Put your index fingers over your hip bones and roll them in and down 3 cm. Your fingers are now lying over your TA muscle. To activate this muscle try bringing your bellybutton toward your spine and draw your two hip bones together. If you feel the muscle flattening under your fingers, you will have successfully found your TA muscle!

The great thing about the inner core muscles is that by activating one, you activate them all. Once you are comfortable finding these muscles, you can then begin to challenge the inner unit by changing the position of your arms and legs or by using exercise equipment such as a Bosu ball or foam roller.

This is provided as general information only and is not intended to be relied upon as medical advice. Vanessa Milot is a Registered Physiotherapist and Associate of Sun City Physiotherapy in Kelowna, BC Canada. She can be contacted at Sun City Physiotherapy's Glenmore clinic by calling 250-762-6313.